Check availability & request a quote

To check availability or request a quote, just get in touch below with as much info as possible.
For events, it’s really helpful to know the occasion (for example birthday, anniversary, awards), the venue, and your timings. For commercial shoots, it’s helpful to know what you need to be photographed, and what you need from the images.
If you have a general question, don’t forget to check out my Frequently Asked Questions page, it might be covered there, if not schedule a free 30 minutes constultation with me and I´ll personally answer all your questions.
 Is it urgent? This contact form or an email to are always best. You can also WhatsApp or call me at +34 623 06 39 15

Thank You!

Please double-check this one is accurate!
Main contact will be done by mail but it's always good to have a backup
You can add if it's full day, half day, hours ....

Now taking bookings for late autumn conferences, events, and headshots – and don’t forget your Christmas party in Barcelona! Get in touch today for a quote.